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News Oct 2012 : Nagpur University enquiry panel to decide fate of Agnihotri pharma college student

 NAGPUR: Wardha's Rani Agnihotri Pharmacy College, which gained infamy a couple of months back for malpractices during examinations, is in the news again. This time, Nagpur University has withheld the results of 46 MPharm students of the college since it did not have the required number of approved teachers.

The MPharm results of other colleges were declared about a month back. Since then, the students of Agnihotri college have been constantly visiting NU officials but to no avail. It was only after the issue reached pro-vice chancellor Mahesh Yenkie and controller of examinations (CoE) Vilas Ramteke that NU officials finally constituted an enquiry panel under pharmacy dean Pramod Yeole and pharmacy Board of Studies (BOS) chairman Milind Patil.

Though Yenkie refused to respond to phone calls, Ramteke confirmed the development and said the panel will go into the reasons for the results being withheld and only then will the fate of the 46 students be decided. "The college had failed to appoint regular teachers and therefore NU was totally justified in withholding their results," he said. He added that the panel will submit its enquiry report within two weeks.

Sources said that NU's Local Enquiry Committee (LEC) under then pharmacy head of the department Arun Patil had warned in its report that the college had only one regular teacher and, so, only eight students should be admitted. It recommended the college increase its tally of regular teachers. Even Pharmacy Council of India's regulations mention that without full time faculty, the colleges shouldn't be permitted to operate. However, NU top officials during the tenure of former VC SN Pathan had flouted all rules to permit Rani Agnihotri College to operate without teachers or facilities.

The affected students claimed that students of other colleges had even secured jobs, but they were left in the lurch by the college and NU officials. "We have nowhere to go now. We have been duped by the college and even NU is not helping us. Now, we will have to wait till the enquiry is over," they said.

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